
Work, kids, friends, family, finances...there are many things most of us worry about daily.  It becomes an everyday routine to open our eyes and begin to stress because of all the responsibilities we are burdened with.  After a while, the routine will simply turn into habit and we will allow our joy to be taken away.  STOP!  Take a minute, breathe deeply, meditate and pray on all the blessings in your life.  Yes there are problems and unfortunate circumstances that may knock you off your feet, but your joy is what will keep you going.  There is much to be grateful for, much to be appreciated about, much to thankful of, find the joy in all of it.  Even in the hardships, find the joy in it.  Perhaps through some circumstances has brought you closer to someone, or it taught you a valuable lesson, or maybe it strengthened your spirit where if it was to happen again you will not be phased.  Your joy may slip away from you from time to time, but find it and reclaim it!!!

Don't Be So Quick To Dismiss

Wouldn't it be nice to only be surrounded by people you like and not people that are difficult?  Well, truth is...even likable people can be difficult at times.  Sometimes I think I have figured out a formula, now that I'm a little older, that would make life easier on myself and that is:  People - People I Dislike = Easier Life.  Though this may be a bit true, eliminating difficult people may make things easier for me but it doesn't necessarily make life better.  I wouldn't grow as a person, "a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor", it takes adversity to build strong faith...obstacles to grow a strategic mind...and difficult people to mold a kind heart.  Don't be so quick to dismiss someone.  People could be difficult in many different ways, sometimes it might not be that person but it could also just be the way you are that makes it seem difficult.  Dealing with a difficult person is just one of many life's challenges, but a much needed one.  This is where you practice patience, you find understanding, and then discover compassion.  Love isn't just for family, friends, and spouses...learn to love people.  In loving people you don't have to like them, you just have to show an act of kindness.  This process of loving is most humbling, it's selfless, and expresses humility.  

Success and Failure

Success is defined as an accomplishment of a purpose, failure is defined as lack of success.
Therefore, success is different for everyone.  Success doesn't equal lots of money, success doesn't mean having an ideal romance, nor does it add up to owning expensive possessions.  Success is conquering whatever purpose you are aiming for.  Success is basically accomplishing a goal or goals you have set for yourself.  No one is ever completely successful, once a set of goals are met, new ones are set and the MAIN goal is to continue succeeding.  Failure, it's only the learning process in succeeding.  You fall, not to stay on the ground, but to stand up again and do it over, only this time wiser.  Failing to succeed is nothing but a trial and error process, a system of guess and check until we come up with a theory that works.  Don't give up, it's only TRUE failure when you quit trying.

Self Love

Love yourself!  Taking care of yourself is part of staying healthy.  Happiness fuels you, so pull over and fill up...don't run on empty because eventually you'll stall out and just quit.

Unbroken (Book & Movie)

I love to hear true stories that are inspirational.  Unbroken for sure is one of my favorites!  I read the book and watched the movie and this man's life story gives me chills every time I think about it.  From being a troubled child, to becoming an Olympian runner, to serving in the war and being captured by the enemy, the story of Louis Zamperini is an unbelievable tale that has touched the hearts of many.  For you book lovers, don't miss out on this incredible read read.  For those that rather watch a condensed version of his life story, Angelina directed the movie, Unbroken.