Success and Failure

Success is defined as an accomplishment of a purpose, failure is defined as lack of success.
Therefore, success is different for everyone.  Success doesn't equal lots of money, success doesn't mean having an ideal romance, nor does it add up to owning expensive possessions.  Success is conquering whatever purpose you are aiming for.  Success is basically accomplishing a goal or goals you have set for yourself.  No one is ever completely successful, once a set of goals are met, new ones are set and the MAIN goal is to continue succeeding.  Failure, it's only the learning process in succeeding.  You fall, not to stay on the ground, but to stand up again and do it over, only this time wiser.  Failing to succeed is nothing but a trial and error process, a system of guess and check until we come up with a theory that works.  Don't give up, it's only TRUE failure when you quit trying.

Self Love

Love yourself!  Taking care of yourself is part of staying healthy.  Happiness fuels you, so pull over and fill up...don't run on empty because eventually you'll stall out and just quit.

Unbroken (Book & Movie)

I love to hear true stories that are inspirational.  Unbroken for sure is one of my favorites!  I read the book and watched the movie and this man's life story gives me chills every time I think about it.  From being a troubled child, to becoming an Olympian runner, to serving in the war and being captured by the enemy, the story of Louis Zamperini is an unbelievable tale that has touched the hearts of many.  For you book lovers, don't miss out on this incredible read read.  For those that rather watch a condensed version of his life story, Angelina directed the movie, Unbroken.   

It's Never The Right Time

Though practicing patience is key at times when it comes to passing up something good for something better, that is different from waiting for the perfect timing before making a move in life.  Is getting all our ducks in a row smart thinking, or is that just a cover up for the fear of the unknown?  Take a chance every now and then, how would you ever know how it would turn out unless you just go for it?  Don't be scared of failure, failure births new knowledge to succeed.  But you can't really fail when you go for it and give it your all, most likely you will gain more than you will lose.  "The right time" isn't for you to determine, so it just doesn't exist.  The time you have now is the chance you've been given, you just have to choose what to do with it.  Will you keep waiting or will you make something of it?  

Finding Yourself or Creating Yourself

When we journey through life and suddenly feel a little lost, perhaps confused, we tend to use the expression "I need time to find myself" or "I'm trying to find myself".  Are we really?  What are we really looking for or trying to "find"?  I see it more like we go through stages in life, with new people and new experiences that changes our perspective and outlook.  How we perceive certain things suddenly altars and how we once felt about something no longer stands, therefore the change within ourselves becomes foreign to where we believe we must once again meet our own selves.  You've known yourself your whole life, you know who you are already, no need for a formal introduction over and over again.  The only thing that's happening is that you're being reinvented, each time being more knowledgeable and wiser.  Still feel lost?  Set new goals, chase new dreams, and refocus!  

What I Choose To Become

Often times we dwell on the past and it hinders us from moving forward in life.  The past cannot be changed, don't let it define you and fretting about it doesn't help.  Let what happened yesterday be a learning process, today is not a chance to change or regret things but a chance to grow wiser from it.  It's not about where you start out in life, it's where you end up.  It's a made or stay broken.