It's Never The Right Time

Though practicing patience is key at times when it comes to passing up something good for something better, that is different from waiting for the perfect timing before making a move in life.  Is getting all our ducks in a row smart thinking, or is that just a cover up for the fear of the unknown?  Take a chance every now and then, how would you ever know how it would turn out unless you just go for it?  Don't be scared of failure, failure births new knowledge to succeed.  But you can't really fail when you go for it and give it your all, most likely you will gain more than you will lose.  "The right time" isn't for you to determine, so it just doesn't exist.  The time you have now is the chance you've been given, you just have to choose what to do with it.  Will you keep waiting or will you make something of it?  

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